دراسة عن رموز وادي مقابر الملوك-

January 2018
forum- A Study on the Symbols of the Valley of the Kings' Tombs-
Presented by Professor. Dr. Theodor Abt

Prof. Dr. Abt has visited the Human Foundation twice. His first visit was on May, 2017, where he has lectured on the relationship between the Egyptian symbols and the dynamic of the psyche. His second visittook place onJanuary, 2018, where he lectured on: A Study on the Symbols of the Valley of the Kings' Tombs. Dr. Abt is one of the founders of the Research and Training Centre for in Depth Psychology according to C.G. Jung and Marie-Louise Von Franz in Zurich, Switzerland. He has been studying the Egyptian heritage for decades, and wrote numerous books on Egyptian heritage. Dr. Abt has been cooperating with the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities forovera decade. Throughout these years, he has translated many old Arabic manuscripts and wrote commentaries on them. He also made replicas for several monuments.