Professor Dr. Adel El-Beltagy, a board member of the Human Foundation and president of the International Dryland Development Commission, participated in the yearly Science and Technology for Society forum (STS) in Japan (October 2022).
This forum invites international figures who contribute to scientific knowledge. Some of the participants won Noble Prize Lauriat. The forum includes countries’ presidents, ministers, industrial pioneers, members of scientific centers, civic societies, private sectors, and more.
The forum is concerned with innovations in the field of science and technological application in agriculture, industry, medicine, pharmacology, and social sciences for the future. The Japanese Crown Prince and The Prime minister attend the yearly forums’ opening ceremony.
Professor Dr. El Beltagy has been contributing to this forum for fifteen years. This time he shared a presentation on the Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture, Water, and Energy. He shared at the same time in the Regional Action for Climate Change (RCC) meetings, introducing the outcomes and conclusion of the Webinar that Ain Shams University arranged, titled, The Impact of Climate Change on Climate Change on Agriculture in Dry Area. It is worth mentioning that the Human Foundation presented its vision in this Webinar.