Lecture: “Place and Spirit: How Does Architecture Influence Our Awareness and Behaviour?” – with Prof. Dr. Hanaa Mohamed Adly Hassan

Part of the lecture series: “The Creativity of Place and Time – A Dialogue Between Art, Nature, and Humanity.”

An exploratory journey connecting art, architecture, and nature to understand their influence on one another and how humans can reshape themselves through these elements.

The first lecture, “Place and Spirit: How Does Architecture Influence Our Awareness and Behavior?”, will be presented by Prof. Dr. Hanaa Mohamed Adly Hassan, Professor of Islamic Archaeology and Arts at Helwan University and Visiting Professor at Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University.

She holds a PhD in Islamic Archaeology with highest honors and has over 20 years of academic experience, along with research contributions at MIT and the Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture.